
Here's my biology notes.

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The four biomolecules! :)

Name Monomer Polymer Functions
Carbohydrate glucose monomer glucose polymer
  • Product of photosynthesis
  • Structure for plants
  • Source of energy for plants and animals
  • Chemical energy storage
Fats and lipids glycerol monomer lipid polymer
  • Long term energy storage as fats and oils
  • Phosopholids are main components of cell membrane
Nucleic Acid nucleotide DNA double helix
  • Genetic Information
Proteins Proteins have quatanery and ternary structures
  • Does nearly everything in the cell
  • Catalyze reactions
  • Provide structure
  • Signal molecules
  • Made up of amino acids
  • Has 4 different type of structures
  • Its shape determines what it does

4 types of protein structure

Structure Name Information
Primary Structure
  • Line of amino acids
  • Determines the final shape of the protein
  • Different priamry structure corresponds to different proteins
  • Final form of denatured proteins
  • Polypepetide Chain
Secondary Structures
  • Alpha helices
  • Beta-pleated sheets
  • Some common shapes found in a nondenatured protein
Ternary Structures
  • 3D shape of a primary structure
  • A primary structure forms into ternary structure because some amino acids are hydrophilic while others are hydrophobic.
  • Hydrophobic amino acids will try to be on the inside of the protein because they don't like water and cells are filled with water
  • Hydrophilic amino acids will try to be on the outside because they like water
Quatanery Structures
  • Collection of ternary structures
  • Most proteins are like this

Amino acids properties!

Amino acid

Central Dogma of Biology


DNA to RNA is called transcription.

RNA to proteins is called translation.

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